Market Report

The Svoboda & Williams Market Report bianually analyzes new developments in the premium segment of Prague's residential real estate market. The published data is based on achieved prices rather than listed prices. In order to arrive at a clearer interpretation of the development of the rental market, Svoboda & Williams utilized The Rental Price Index of S&W + VŠE analytical tool, developed in cooperation with the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics of the University of Economics in Prague.

Market Report

H2 2024

The real estate market is in good shape and is barrelling full speed ahead into the future. The demand and volume of property sales remained strong in the second half of the year, and property prices are rising right alongside them—these are the key trends of Prague's real estate market in the second half of 2024, based on the latest analysis of Svoboda & Williams.

H2 2024

Market Report

H1 2024

Our latest half-year analysis of the domestic market shows that demand for premium properties and sales thereof rose continuously. Clients bought apartments with sprawling floor areas; price records were broken. While the residential rental market remains stable, the commercial office stock in Prague is stagnant. Nevertheless, this insufficiently saturated market offers many interesting …

H1 2024

Market Report

Q4 2023

The first days of January are generally the perfect time to look back at the past year and previous market forecasts, which in today’s turbulent period can resemble peering into a crystal ball. But one thing is certain. Last year, the real estate market went through a transformation that isn’t over yet, but at the same time it offers interesting opportunities to those who know how to cor…

Q4 2023

Market Report

Q3 2023

Endless months when the real estate market called to mind a slumbering Snow White are now behind us. In order to provide our clients with up-to-date services during this period, a year ago we decided to write and publish Svoboda & Williams' regular Market Report quarterly, i.e. four times a year. What does the current data tell us about Snow White's situation? The numbers assure us that …

Q3 2023

Market Report

Q2 2023

Welcome to a beautiful new world. No, we are not suggesting that this summer we’ll be experiencing the dystopian society that Aldous Huxley masterfully depicted in his book written nearly a century ago. We are only adapting the title of his most famous work to describe the current state of the real estate market, which, after months of stagnation, is coming to life again.

Q2 2023

Market Report

Q1 2023

Spring, as usual, generally brings optimism and new hope in our lives. This year, however, in addition to surprising temperatures, we experienced a tide of pessimism, which raised interest rates around the world to unprecedented levels. In this economic environment, it’s only a matter of time before cracks begin to appear, such as the bankruptcy of three mid-sized American banks in March…

Q1 2023

Market Report

Q4 2022

A difficult year is now behind us. We experienced economic troubles caused by the energy crisis, the central bank grappled with runaway inflation (over 15% in the last two quarters) compounded by soaring housing costs, and the Czech economy eventually fell into recession, all of which are factors that have a significant impact on the real estate market.

Q4 2022

Market Report

Q3 2022

Falling demand, a stagnant market, and a slight correc- tion in sold property prices—these are the key trends of the Prague residential market in recent months. After years of growth, the real estate business has been stagnant this year. While at the beginning of the summer the year-on-year increase in property prices in the segment that Svoboda & Williams has been monitoring for a long …

Q3 2022

Market Report

H1 2022

Our struggle against the pandemic, which has cast a pall over our lives for the last two years, is (hopefully) at an end, but can we really breathe a sigh of relief? A shock- ing war broke out in Ukraine in 2022, throwing the world's economy into a state of nervousness and impacting the real estate market. Last year, business rode out the post-covid wave of inflation, sparked in part by …

H1 2022

Market Report

H2 2021

The following analysis is based on data obtained from the database of properties that Svoboda & Williams had in its portfolio in the course of the monitored period. The data concerning sales transactions is further supplemented by data about the sale of properties that correspond in terms of their parameters to the portfolio of Svoboda & Williams: in this case the prices are acquired f…

H2 2021

Market Report

H1 2021

Our previous Market Report already touched on the fact that quality properties have become a highly sought-after investment asset, a situation that has continued this year as well. Capital appreciation has always played an important role in the world of premium real estate, but investors have also been driven by rental yields, which hovered around 3.5%, excluding leverage. Today, however…

H1 2021

Market Report & Rental Index

H2 2020

As we welcome the year 2021, it’s time to look back and take stock of all that transpired in 2020. With great relief, we’re happy to affirm that the residential real estate segment has weathered the last 12 months in top economic form, despite the dire forecasts of the future last February, when we stood on the precipice of a grave economic crisis.

H2 2020

Market Report & Rental Index

H1 2020

Despite the early warnings from China, at the beginning of the year 2020 the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic was something that nobody could predict would unfold the way it eventually did. The economy ground to a halt, the stock market crashed, governments adopted emergency measures that seemed almost like martial law, and anyone making projections of future developments might as we…

H1 2020

Market Report & Rental Index

H2 2019

At first glance, it may seem that the Prague residential market is currently behaving contrary to the projections of the Czech National Bank (CNB). This is true in particular in relation to the central bank’s restrictive mortgage measures. Its goal was first to protect banks from the potential influx of risky, i.e. non-performing mortgage loans (in the event that the Czech economy would …

H2 2019

Market Report & Rental Index

H1 2019

In recent years, the housing crisis, or rather the housing construction crisis has been a frequent topic of public and private discussions. Again and again, the same numbers are being repeated. On the one hand, they illustrate the slow tempo of new construction, and on the other the rapid rise in housing costs. This has led to the limited availability of housing, i.e. the ability of aver…

H1 2019

Market Report & Rental Index

H2 2018

While we were in the process of preparing this year’s Market Report we found ourselves in a slightly paradoxical situation. Our data from the second half of 2018 indicated that the demand for properties for sale was cooling and that the achieved price per m2 had decreased a little (for new apartments -1%, for resale apartments -3%). After the Christmas holidays, our telephones began ring…

H2 2018

Market Report & Rental Index

H1 2018

H1 2018