Located in the popular neighborhood of Karlín is Štangl, an exciting culinary establishment brought to you by the Ambiente Group.
Štangl was born when Eska - Karlín's ever popular bakery and bistro - split into two venues, Eska Bakery and Štangl Restaurant. Eska continues to offer its gorgeous array of fresh homemade goods, breakfast plates, and light lunches on the ground floor, while the upper level is dedicated to Štangl. Focusing on locally sourced ingredients – raw materials straight from the field, found directly in nature, or from the restaurant’s own hydroponic farm, you can bet you’ll be tasting the best of the best when it comes to farm to fork cuisine. Sample the tasting menu in which each course represents an essential local ingredient. At Štangl, you can expect dishes that are simple to look at but complex to prepare. The focus at this restaurant is on tastes, textures and the overall experience. Headed by Martin Štangl, Eska's executive chef, the restaurant gets its name from the man himself. Štangl has stated however, that the restaurant in not the "the endeavor of a sole individual" and he simply acts as "a connector of ideas and people who are in tune with them and who want to manifest them in the kitchen." Visit Štangl tonight and pamper yourself with their famous tasting menu.